The once humble vegetable has taken its fair market share as a main course or stand-alone powerhouse staple. While meat, poultry, and seafood analog makers are focusing on making vegetables look, feel, and taste like meat, consumers immersed in the plant-based trend are demanding better and more creative use of vegetables that are recognizable as vegetables.
Today, sauces and condiments are making bolder statements, taking more daring and expressive directions and asserting themselves as stars in their own right. Even basic tomato sauces are no longer generic but tout the tomatoes used, such as heirloom tomatoes.
In the last few years, however, the health benefits of fermented foods stepped back into returned to prominence, as enlightened consumers enjoy both classic and non-traditional versions of what once were traditional forms of foods.
More consumers are seafood-savvy. Developing and flavoring new seafood dishes requires a new level of creativity in culinary techniques and ingredients.
Although many changes have occurred in cooking over the centuries, simmering ingredients in water to create soup or stew is basically the same process—from cave dwellers to modern kitchens.