This white paper focuses on pycnogenol, a natural ingredient extracted from French maritime pine bark. Although there are many potential uses for pycnogenol, the most well-studied use is for improving vascular health, as a result of improved endothelial function and venous insufficiency.
Cardiovascular health is not just a senior concern. With children as young as age 10 showing signs of arterial plaque, effective heart health begins early.
Opportunities abound for foods to fight the nationís leading cause of death. As a group, women are understudied,and an increased awareness of heart health is needed.
There is an infamous incongruity between the high level of saturated fat found in the French diet and the relatively low incidence of heart disease found in the French population.
It's as old and delicious as what is so newsworthy about chocolate? Researchers at Davis have been making headlines lately and spurring special news segments on the newly found cardiovascular benefits of chocolate.