Researchers at Purdue University and the Indiana University School of Medicine found diets with a low ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3 fatty acids minimized the bone loss typically brought on by estrogen deficiency, which is common in post-menopausal females.
Michael A. Crawford of the Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition believes the future mental health, possibly the survival, of the human race may depend on protecting the Earth’s marine environment and resources.
If there were an elixir of life it would probably contain one of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Specifically, omega-3 has exhibited the ability to prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure, protect post-menopausal women against cancer, fend off depression and improve love life.
CLARINOL™, from Lipid Nutrition, a division of Loders Croklaan, is available in three forms. The free fatty acid form offers the basic conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) weight management benefits.