Functional Technologies Corp. (FTC) signed an agreement enabling an undisclosed leading European producer of sweet & savory baked goods, snacks and confectionaries to evaluate FTC’s proprietary acrylamide-preventing (AP) yeast technology in the partner's commercial materials used to produce many of their branded food products.
Functional Technologies Corp. announced it has entered into a collaboration agreement with an undisclosed, leading multinational company ("partner") to evaluate the Functional Technologies' proprietary acrylamide-preventing (AP) yeasts in one of several applicable sectors of food-related products.
Lallemand Health Ingredients recently announced the launch of the latest addition to its LalminÆ range of yeast-based health ingredients: Lalmin Vita D--a dried, inactivated whole cell yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing elevated levels of vitamin D. It is produced thanks to a unique, patented process at Lallemand's yeast manufacturing plants.
Rather be BlueBlueberries are one of the hottest beverage ingredients of late, with good reason. Aside from their healthy attributes, there is the amazing, across-the-board appeal of blueberries.
Research is looking into how certain foods, such as almonds and cranberries, and key components, including extracts, yeast-derived compounds, and pre- and probiotics, help strengthen immunity.