Chef Dan Follese launched an interactive live show where successful national-chain chefs and innovative food manufacturers reveal what new trends are taking shape in the restaurant business. The show, Trends Translated Live, premiered on July 8 and will air periodically on LinkedIn Live.
As American tastes shift faster than ever before, both restaurants and food manufacturers are looking for new ways to pivot quickly to meet those demands. Trends Translated Live uses insightful data to unpack those changing tastes and features the new products and menu ideas chefs need to stay ahead of the curve. As a part of LinkedIn’s new Live platform, viewers will be able to ask questions and participate throughout the show.
“It’s probably the Live part of the name that excites me most,” said Follese. “By taking advantage of LinkedIn’s Live platform, we can connect professionals all across the country and have a real dialogue with them on what trends they’re seeing and how they adapt recipes and menu items to meet those customer expectations. The technology helps us all get smarter faster and in the restaurant business, that can be the difference between thriving and simply surviving.”
Trends Translated Live is presented by Dan Follese of Food Trend Translator and Follese Culinary Consulting. Follese has, over the last 30 years, worked across the food industry doing everything from preparing white cloth gourmet celebrity meals to appearing on Food Network’s “Best of Wine & Food” and works alongside food scientists and food manufacturers to convert recipes and support sales. He lives in Green Bay, Wisc.