Symrise has completed its “2018+ Symrise Top Trends for North America.” This annual report, highlights 10 of the most popular flavor trends in the food and beverage industry and will be integrated into the Symrise Global TrendScope report which provides a thorough overview of both global and local flavor trends.

For the 2018 report, Symrise took a unique approach, using multiple phases and a variety of resources. They examined the beverage, sweet and savory categories and looked for commonalities between the three areas. 

The team examined intriguing flavors and ingredients that they saw bubbling up on restaurant menus through menu research and in-person treks around the US They also looked back on the 2016 and 2017 yearly trend reports and their finds at the Winter and Summer Fancy Food shows. 

Out of all this research they created a “genealogy” of trends. The final step was to pick the most interesting trends to focus on and dig deeper into these with a survey that was run in conjunction with StarChefs. Working with this organization enabled Symrise to talk to hundreds of chefs, pastry chefs and mixologists. The analysis of the survey results, along with the genealogy, led to the 2018+ Top Ten Trends list.

“This 2018 report is on the cutting edge of trends. We want to excite our customers and spark conversations about the future of flavors, so our trend message is engaging and creative,” says Dylan Thompson, marketing consumer insight specialist with Symrise’s Marketing, Sensory and Consumer Insights Group. “This 2018+ trend report is building on Symrise’s position as a thought leader in flavors and trends.”

Find out just which trends made the list this year. Go here.

About Symrise

Symrise is a global supplier of fragrances, flavors, cosmetic active ingredients and raw materials as well as functional ingredients. Its clients include manufacturers of perfumes, cosmetics, food and beverages, the pharmaceutical industry and producers of nutritional supplements and pet food.

With sales of approximately € 3 billion in 2017, Symrise is among the global leaders in the market for flavors and fragrances. Headquartered in Holzminden, Germany, the Group is represented with more than 90 sites in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Asia, the United States and Latin America.

Symrise works with its clients to develop new ideas and market-ready concepts for products that form an indispensable part of everyday life. Economic success and corporate responsibility are inextricably linked as part of this process. 

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