Once again, Prepared Foods, under its NutraSolutions brand, offers the “Ingredients for Health Reference” to provide market data and information on commercially available ingredients that assist in the development of products targeting various health benefits. From ingredients such as chia seed and red tomato for antioxidant supplementation, to the colors, flavors and textures used to make nutraceutical products attractive and palatable, this section offers a comprehensive range of information.


The categories are as follows:

• Antioxidants for Health

• Bone and Joint Health

• Cancer: Reducing Risk

• Cardiovascular Health

• Cognitive Health

• Diabetic Benefits

• Digestive Health

• Energy and/or Sports Performance

• Eye Health

• Immunity Enhancement

• Weight Management and

General Health



General Health

Providing more consumer choice is a health angle being leveraged by innovative manufacturers. The global success of “gluten free” from a niche health-food store offering to mainstream supermarket lines has resulted in other significant allergy-friendly product development or simply better-for-you choices. Numerous healthier alternatives positioned for consumers with or without allergies on a “free from” or “no” platform have flourished worldwide, with brands and private labels recognizing the opportunities. Ethical and sustainability trends are also having an influence, with meat-free new product development set to thrive, again providing more healthy choices for the consumer. There was an 8% increase in global product launches with a vegetarian positioning, as tracked by the Innova Database in 2011 from 2010, with a further substantial increase in 2012 predicted.

—Lu Ann Williams, Innova Market Insights, helpdesk@innovami.com, www.innovadatabase.com


Soy Power

Soy isoflavones, like ADM’s NovaSoy, have been scientifically proven to reduce the frequency and severity of menopausal hot flashes. Preliminary research also indicates that soy isoflavones may help cardiovascular vessels stay healthy by maintaining flexibility. Soy isoflavones can be incorporated into a range of products, including meal replacements and beverages, nutrition bars, cosmetics, vitamins and supplements. Available in a variety of forms and in concentrations from 20-70%, NovaSoy brand isoflavones offer a high-quality ingredient with consistent isoflavone levels. The familiar green NovaSoy leaf logo is found on the packaging of more than 125 supplement brands worldwide. ADM NovaSoy, 800-510-2178,  nutrition@admworld.com, www.novasoy.com


Multi-functional, Mighty Fish Oil

Omega-3 fish oil, comprised primarily of sardine and anchovy, is available in a variety of EPA/DHA potencies. Equally potent varieties from salmon and krill also are available. Omega-3 has been said to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes; help lower triglycerides and reduce and balance cholesterol; improve cognitive function; help reduce arthritis, inflammation and pain in joints; help appearance of healthy skin; be beneficial for the immune function of the body; improve clarity of vision; stimulate blood circulation; improve digestive health; and strengthen the body’s natural immunities. Arista Industries Inc., Mary Ann Siciliano, national sales manager, 203-761-1009, ext.316, maryann@aristaindustries.com, www.aristaindustries.com


Saffron’s Calming Effect Aids Depression

Saffr’Activ is an innovative, natural approach to reducing the feelings of stress and anxiety. Nutraceuticals International Group is the exclusive U.S. distributor for Saffr’Activ.  Saffr’Activ is a hydro-ethanolic extract of premium-quality red saffron stigmas and is titrated to a 2% safranal content. Numerous clinical investigations support the efficacy of saffron in alleviating feelings of anxiety, stress and light depression. Saffron offers a non-pharmacological treatment for early symptoms of a more serious depression. The saffron found in Saffr’Activ produces a remarkable calming effect when ingested orally. Clinical studies on saffron have proven its ability  to reduce stress and PMS syndrome, as well as stimulate cognitive properties to provide an overall positive state of mental health. Saffr’Activ has been specifically developed to comply with any application, including a liquid extract for aqueous formulations; a liposoluble extract; and a powder extract for dry formulations. Nutraceuticals International Group, Nichole De Block, marketing director, 201-399-2333 or 800-651-2587, Nichole@nutraintlgroup.com


Soy Protein, Complete With Calcium

An excellent choice for formulating calcium-fortified foods and beverages, Gushen soy proteins are now available from Farbest. Complete with 3% calcium, these soy proteins are also rich in branched-chain amino acids. They have excellent solubility, are easily dispersible and do not impart viscosity to the finished product. According to the FDA, consuming 25g of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Farbest’s soy proteins are non-GMO and have a clean, neutral taste. Farbest Brands, Lorna Samgour, 201-573-4900, lsamgour@farbest.com, www.farbest.com


Soy Protein Concentrates and Isolates

Rochem is the exclusive agent to one of China’s largest producers of non-GMO soy protein concentrates and isolates, Shandong Yucheng Yuwang Ecological Food Industry Co. Ltd. Since Shandong Yuwang’s emergence into the soy flake market in 1998, it has risen to its current position—controlling its own fields of soy crop; contracting with government-controlled fields; and producing the starting materials for many leading manufacturers. Its state-of-the-art, USFDA-inspected manufacturing center combines extensive R&D resources with a dedicated applications facility to bring to the market products that can be tailored to meet varying needs. Rochem International Inc., 631-738-1188, sales@rochemintl.com, www.rochemintl.com


Many products and ingredients contribute to a functional food or beverage’s success, yet not all of these fall into the “functional” or “nutritional” ingredient categories. These can include flavors, texturizers and colors—all of which can have a decisive influence on consumers’ assessment of a food or beverage. These ingredients contribute to healthy products’ overall appeal.


Seeing Red (Naturally)

The color red stimulates consumer motivation when it comes to energy and/or sport performance products.  Not surprisingly, red is the most popular colorant used in these types of food and beverages.  However, increasingly savvy consumers are becoming more discerning when it comes to the origin of that color, especially in products with a health and wellness message. To meet this demand, GNT is proud to offer its EXBERRY line of natural red colorants.  EXBERRY natural colors are made exclusively from fruits and vegetables, without any additives, preservatives or chemical solvents.  Processed physically with water, EXBERRY natural red colors are foods in their own right, with naturally occurring phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables. Available in a wide range of powder and liquid shades, GNT’s team of color experts can assist in color-matching, stability testing and custom solutions. GNT USA Inc., Kelly Newsome, knewsome@gntusa.com, www.gnt-group.com


Oil for Overall Health and Wellness

Sacha Inchi is a natural, healthy oil used in nutraceutical and nutritional supplements to aide in maintaining overall health and general wellness. The Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia volubilis linneo) plant is indigenous to the Peruvian Amazon Forest and produces small nuts that are extremely rich in high-quality, nutritious vegetable oil.  Sacha Inchi oil is valued as a nutritional supplement, because it contains a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, making it an excellent source for omega-3 (alpha linolenic acid) and omega-6 (linoleic acid). It contains antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), and it is rich in amino acids that are important for good health.  Sacha Inchi oil has been said to help  lower cholesterol levels; reduce the risk of hypertension and heart disease; regulate blood sugar levels; aide in weight loss and diabetes control; and much more. Arista Industries, Mary Ann Siciliano,  203-761-1009, ext.316, maryann@aristaindustries.com, www.aristaindustries.com   NS