May 24/London/British Medical Journal -- Excessive calcium intake, more than the recommended daily dose, can play a role in increasing the risk of bone fracture, claimed a recent Swedish study against the common belief that suggests elder people, especially above 50, to take calcium supplements in order to maintain the bone health.

During the course of the study, the researchers have analyzed around 60,000 women while observed their food habits, particularly for calcium intake, as well as fracture rates over a period of 19 years and found that more than recommended daily amount of calcium could impart negative health effects.

Further, the findings also suggest a daily calcium requirement of 700-800mg to boost the bone health whereas in Australia the recommended daily dose is 1,300mg a day. The reasonable amount of calcium is vital to limit the various bone-related health problems such as osteoporosis, a debilitating disease, which results in bones thinning making them brittle and even breaking over the time.

“The highest quintile of calcium intake did not further reduce the risk of fractures of any type, or of osteoporosis,” noted an expert opinion published in the British Medical Journal.

Meanwhile, a Spokeswoman for the National Osteoporosis Society advised women to follow healthy food habits with more intake of dairy products, leafy greens, almonds and dried apricots.



From the May 26, 2011, Prepared Foods' Daily News.