Smith’s research, published in Meat Science, found hot dogs, pepperoni and deli meats are relatively free of the carcinogenic compounds, though bacon and rotisserie chicken (particularly the skin) have higher levels of the cancerous material. Pepperoni, in fact, had the least HCA content (0.05ng/g), followed by hot dogs and deli meat (also in the range of 0.05ng/g), an amount so low that researchers concluded the consumption of such products contributed very little to HCA intake.
Fully cooked bacon, however, registered 1.1ng/g, with rotisserie chicken meat containing 1.9ng/g, both still well shy of the scale-tipping 16.3ng/g in rotisserie chicken skin. As the researchers explained, “Chicken skin contains more fat and protein and less moisture, and HCA levels tend to increase as moisture decreases.”pf