Eggs to Help Diabetics

February 25/Noosa, Australia/Noosa News -- Australian research shows eating eggs can benefit people with type 2 diabetes.

The research, published in the February edition of the British Journal of Nutrition, has revealed a high-protein diet which includes nutrient-dense eggs can deliver significant health benefits, as part of a healthy weight-loss eating plan.

The research found that two eggs per day improved levels of HDL-C (good cholesterol).

According to co-researcher Dr. Manny Noakes from the CSIRO's Food and Nutritional Sciences and co-author of the CSIRO's best-selling Total Wellbeing Diet, prior to this study little research had been done on dietary cholesterol and diabetes management. "We believe that this research demonstrates that a high-protein, energy-restricted diet that includes eggs regularly may have nutritional benefits and help in metabolic control in people with type two diabetes," Noakes said.  

From the February 28, 2011, Prepared Foods' Daily News
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