April 22/Journal of Technology -- According to a study from the Netherlands, "Sensory satiation is probably one of the most important factors in meal termination. In this paper, the use of aromas to induce satiation via dairy products is illustrated by means of two examples: the use of organic acids, obtained by fermentation; and altering the extent of retro-nasal aroma release."
"In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized cross-over preload-test meal design, it was demonstrated that a dairy beverage fermented with propionic acid bacteria was perceived as more satiating than a non-fermented equivalent dairy beverage. Satiety-inducing effects lasted up to 50 minutes. However, ad libitum energy intake was not reduced in the time frame tested.
"Another approach is to increase satiation by making use of differences in retro-nasal aroma release profiles. It is known that the physical structure of a food product is important for the extent of retro-nasal aroma release, i.e. solid foods generate a longer retro-nasal aroma release compared to liquid foods. This is possibly also related to satiation. Using olfactometry, aroma stimuli can be administered separately from other stimuli, such as different ingredients, textures and tastes. Hence, the relative importance of aroma stimuli apart from other stimuli on satiation mechanisms can be investigated," wrote R.M.A.J. Ruijschop and colleagues.
The researchers concluded, "In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized cross-over full factorial design, it was shown that perceived satiation can be increased by altering the extent of aroma release during consumption of a liquid dairy product."
Ruijschop and colleagues published their study in the Australian Journal of Dairy Technology ("Induction of satiation via aroma in dairy products." Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 2009;64(1 Sp. Iss.):50-53).
For more information, contact R.M.A.J. Ruijschop, NIZO Food Research, Kemhemseweg 2, POB 20, NL-6710 BA Ede, Netherlands.
From the April 27, 2009, Prepared Foods E-dition