Prepared Foods February 14, 2005 enewsletter

The Coca-Cola Co. said it will begin selling Diet Coke sweetened with sugar substitute sucralose in the spring. Rival PepsiCo Inc., meanwhile, said it plans to reformulate its single-calorie drink Pepsi One with the sweetener as well.

“Diet Coke with Splenda” will have a distinct label with the name of the sweetener on it as well as a yellow streak. Coca-Cola will continue to sell traditional Diet Coke, which is flavored with aspartame, separately.

“Diet Coke with Splenda” is expected to be launched in the second quarter, the Atlanta-based company said in a statement. The launch follows Coke's rollout of other flavors of Diet Coke, including lime, lemon, cherry and vanilla.

PepsiCo has not announced when the reformulated Pepsi One will be available.