Prepared Foods September 19, 2005 eNewsletter

According to a report from Switzerland, "Nutrition and dietary patterns have been shown to have direct impact on health of the population and of selected patient groups. The beneficial effects have been attributed to the reduction of oxidative damage caused by the normal or excessive free radical production."

M.M. Berger of Center Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois in Lausanne wrote, "[My] paper aims at collecting evidence of successful supplementation strategies. [It provides a] review of the literature reporting on antioxidant supplementation trials in the general population and critically ill patients."

"Antioxidant vitamin and trace element intakes have been shown to be particularly important in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, age-related ocular diseases and in aging. In animal models, targeted interventions have been associated with reduction of tissue destruction is brain and myocardium ischemia-reperfusion models. In the critically ill, antioxidant supplements have resulted in reduction of organ failure and of infectious complications," Berger reported.

"Antioxidant micronutrients have beneficial effects in defined models and pathologies, in the general population and in critical illness: ongoing research encourages this supportive therapeutic approach," the author noted. "Further research is required to determine the optimal micronutrient combinations and the doses required according to timing of intervention."

Berger published the report in Clinical Nutrition (“Can Oxidative Damage Be Treated Nutritionally?” Clin Nutr, 2005;24(2):172-83).

For additional information, contact M.M. Berger, Surgical ICU, Soins Intensifs Chirurgicaux et Center des Brules, CHUV - BH08660, CH 1011 - Lausanne, Switzerland.