Prepared Foods November 8, 2004 enewsletter

British spirits distiller Allied Domecq named Gustavo Dominguez to be general director for the South Cone operations of the company. In Allied Domecq lingo, South Cone includes Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

At present, Dominguez is general director of Allied Domecq in Argentina.

He joined the company in 2002. Dominguez also has worked as regional trade manager for Seagram spirits distiller in Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay and Bolivia.

Allied Domecq owns a number of wineries in Argentina.

The net profit of Allied Domecq for the fiscal 2003/2004 ended August 31, 2004, totaled 356 million British pounds ($653.5 million), rising 5.6% year-on-year. The increase in 2003/04 net profit was bolstered by the positive trend in the company's wine business.

Allied Domecq makes Malibu rum and Beefeater gin.