Top Trends Among Plant Based Consumers
Plant based shopper insights study highlights opportunities for brands and retailers
The Acosta Group released the results of its plant-based study with its proprietary Shopper Community, which looks at the state of active, light and non-lant-based users, providing brands and retailers valuable information to drive growth in-store and online.
Over the past four years, plant-based product sales have seen strong growth, reaching record sales of $8B in 2022 (SPINS). While 88% of active users have a moderate to high commitment to continue their plant-based purchases, one-third of shoppers say they would like to see more plant-based offerings at stores, according to research. Retailers and brands can drive growth by offering a broader assortment and more online and in-store options.
Acosta's knowledge of retailers and natural and organic brands helped ALOHA, an employee-owned, entrepreneurial brand, double its presence in retail stores over the last few years. Since 2020, their partnership has propelled ALOHA to become the fastest growing plant-based protein bar in the natural channel – experiencing a remarkable 300% increase in sales.
Acosta Group's Plant-Based Shopper Insights study was fielded June 6-12, 2023, with 1,314 household shoppers, ages 18 - 76, from its proprietary Shopper Community.
The company's Sustainability Shopper Insights study was fielded March 8-12, 2023, with 883 primary household shoppers, ages 18 - 76, from its proprietary Shopper Community.
The Acosta Group Shopper Community is comprised of over 40,000 demographically diverse shoppers across the US and is the company's proprietary community for survey engagement.