
Lypid Introduces Plant Based Pork Belly to US Market

The two flagship B2B products include Lypid Smoked Pork Belly and Lypid Braised Pork Belly

October 2, 2023

Lypid introduced Lypid Pork Belly, a meaty plant-based meat made with fibrous plant protein and the proprietary PhytoFat™. At the recent Plant Based World Expo 2023 in New York City, Lypid used its two products, Lypid Smoked Pork Belly and Lypid Braised Pork Belly, to create distinct dishes to celebrate global flavors.


Lypid collaborated with Yangming Spring, a Michelin Green Star restaurant for three consecutive years, to craft a plant-based smoked pork belly pizza. This frozen item is appropriate for retail channels, and highlights Lypid Smoked Pork Belly with vegan toppings on a classic hand-tossed Italian crust

Lypid also presented plant-based braised pork belly noodles, a culinary dish that encapsulates an essence of Asian cuisine. This dish features Lypid's soon-to-be-released shelf-stable retail product, a combination of braised pork belly and savory scallion flavor sun-dried noodles, sourced from KUNGFOOD—an award-winning goose fat dry noodle brand honored with the Superior Taste Award and a prestigious 5-star rating from The Ramen Rater.

Lypid's innovative approach to plant-based cuisine earned itself the coveted first place in The Plant Base Taste Challenge under the meat category. Judges and attendees marveled at the company's ability to seamlessly infuse diverse culinary traditions into one tantalizing experience.
