
Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee

The new beverage contains 8% ABV in 16oz single serve cans

February 2, 2022

Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee expanded its product portfolio with a hard coffee innovation under its BOLDER platform. BOLDER is latest addition to the ever growing Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee lineup that includes 8% ABV in single serve cans.

The unique flavors in the BOLDER Hard Coffee line-up include:

Double Mocha BOLDER Hard Latte: Rich and smooth, Double Mocha Hard Latte is paired with an 8% ABV.

Salted Caramel BOLDER Hard Latte: The perfect blend of salty and sweet, Salted Caramel Hard Latte is paired with an 8% ABV.

Twelve5's Rebel BOLDER Hard Coffee line-up will be available in C-stores, Grocery Stores, Liquor Stores and other retail locations that sell single serve alcoholic beverages in early February. 

More than 45 states currently distribute Twelve5's Rebel Hard Coffee and Hard Tea products in 4 packs and 8 packs. 
