Los Angeles Forms New Home for Natural Products Industry
Naturally Los Angeles is part of the Naturally Network, a not-for-profit organization and a collaborative community
Naturally Los Angeles, a community organization dedicated to fostering sustainable business practices and conscious growth across the natural products industry in greater Los Angeles, formally launched and is looking to bring in new members that will guide the future of the industry locally.
Board members at the helm of the organization’s inaugural year include entrepreneurial luminaries such as Vanessa Dew, co-founder of Health-Ade Kombucha, Eugene Kang, co-founder of Country Archer, Natasha Case, CEO of Coolhaus, and Greg Fleishman, investor & co-founder of Foodstirs Junk-Free Bakery. Naturally Los Angeles is part of the Naturally Network, a not-for-profit organization and a collaborative community that advances and champions the wide-ranging ecosystem that makes up the natural and organic products industry. Founded in Boulder, Colorado in 2005, the Naturally Network has grown with chapters in Austin, the Bay Area, Chicago, New York, North Bay and San Diego, with Los Angeles as the latest addition.
Naturally, Los Angeles will serve the Los Angeles-based natural products industry with access to education, resources, and capital to promote leadership and fuel entrepreneurship and innovation. On a mission to create meaningful connections for and among members, Naturally Los Angeles will offer business coaching, serve as an advocate on important industry issues and coordinate economic development activities that advance the interests of its members. Naturally Los Angeles will act as a catalyst in creating a healthier, more conscious world that prioritizes the products and practices represented by the natural products community by enabling companies to thrive so they can change the world for the better.