Listen & Learn: Innovation Insights at New Products Conference
Anne Greven, global head of food and agribusiness Innovation, Rabobank
Prepared Foods opens its annual New Products Conference, Sept. 13-14, in Dallas, with an overview from Anne Greven, Rabobank’s global head of food and agribusiness innovation. The nation’s COVID pandemic dramatically slowed new food and beverage product development across all channels. Yet the past 12 to 16 months also have brought dramatic and disruptive new technology advances (alternative proteins, cell-based meat, fermentation, algae).
One company engaging food innovators worldwide is the global food and agriculture investment firm Rabobank. From its annual global Food & Agribusiness Summit to its own FoodBytes innovation network, Rabobank garners in-depth insights to ingredients markets, the R&D process, emerging new concepts and categories. Come hear Greven review innovation lessons learned in 2020 and 2021; and forecast and profile new market opportunities and challenges!
Register and learn more about this year’s dynamic program.