
Internationally-Inspired M&M'S Flavors

Fans are able to vote for their favorite of three new flavors: Mexican Jalapeño Peanut, Thai Coconut Peanut and English Toffee Peanut

January 24, 2019

M&M'S launched three new, limited-edition M&M'S Peanut flavors for its new Flavor Vote campaign: Mexican Jalapeño Peanut, Thai Coconut Peanut and English Toffee Peanut. The new flavors will be available at retailers nationwide beginning January 28.

The Mexican Jalapeño Peanut flavor combines spice with chocolate. The Thai Coconut Peanut flavor is a savory sweet taste inspired by the tropics of Thailand. The English Toffee Peanut flavor contains a creamy, sweet flavor profile.

By voting in this year's Flavor Vote, fans will be entered for the chance to win a trip to all three countries that inspired the new flavors: Mexico, Thailand and England. Starting January 28, fans can try each new flavor and cast a vote online at www.flavorvote.mms.com, or text the word "Vote" to 84444 and following the instructions in the reply text messages. Participants can vote once a day until May 17.

The M&M'S brand launched its first-ever Flavor Vote in 2016, in which fans helped select Coffee Nut as their favorite peanut-flavor to join Original Peanut on shelves. In 2018, in the brand's second Flavor Vote, fans chose Crunchy Mint as their favorite crunchy flavor.

The flavor with the most votes will be announced in August 2019 and continue to be sold at stores nationwide. 
