J & J Snack Foods Acquires Hill & Valley Stock
Hill & Valley manufactures a variety of pre-baked cakes, cookies, pies, muffins and other desserts to retail in-store bakeries
J & J Snack Foods Corp. acquired the stock of Hill & Valley Inc., a premium bakery located in Rock Island, Ill. Hill & Valley, with sales of over $45 million annually, is a manufacturer of a variety of pre-baked cakes, cookies, pies, muffins and other desserts to retail in-store bakeries. Hill & Valley is a brand of Sugar Free and No Sugar Added pre-baked in-store bakery items. Additionally, Hill & Valley sustains strategic private labeling partnerships with retailers nationwide.
Jerry Law, J&J’s Senior Vice President, comments: “We are excited to add Hill & Valley to our team. This acquisition rounds out our in-store bakery offerings by expanding our capabilities and customer base, and provides us a newly constructed facility that has ample capacity for growth and a nimble production process. “
Doug Davidson, Hill & Valley’s president, who will be staying on with J&J, comments: “We at Hill & Valley are very excited to become part of the J&J family. J&J brings substantial resources to Hill & Valley on all levels that will continue to make us a valued added supplier to our customers and a company that brings solutions to the table.”