
High Protein Snack Chips

Quest Nutrition says its new high-protein snack potato chip is actually good for consumers instead of being just "less bad."

July 28, 2014

QUEST PROTEIN CHIPS, PROTEIN, SNACKSProtein bar maker Quest Nutrition, Los Angeles says it has developed the first high-protein snack potato chip.

Two years in development, each personal size bag of Quest Protein Chips boast a full 21g of high-quality whey-and milk-based protein, only 5g of carbohydrates and are low in fat (1.5g). Officials say Quest Protein Chips have a percentage of calories from protein that is superior to many of the top-selling protein powders on the market. These revolutionary baked, gluten free chips will debut in three varieties – Sea Salt, Barbecue, and Cheddar & Sour Cream – with other flavors and sizes to come.

"At Quest Nutrition our goal is to revolutionize food by making healthy versions of traditionally unhealthy foods that people love to eat. We're excited to introduce a product that delivers all the fun of potato chips with the health benefits of a high-quality protein meal," says President and Co-founder Tom Bilyeu. "With the rollout of Quest Protein Chips, we hope to show our community of users that we are working tirelessly to give them the products they've always wished existed."

Bilyeu says Quest Protein Chips are sold exclusively via the Quest website (www.QuestNutrition.com) before launching at retail later this summer.