
Steaz Going Green

January 7, 2013
January 7/Doylestown, Pa./PRWEB -- Steaz, a leading natural beverage company, announced that starting this year, its entire line of USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified sparkling teas, iced teas and energy drinks will be green tea-based. The transition represents Steaz’s commitment to providing consumers with the best tasting, highest quality green tea-based beverages, making Steaz the only all-green tea-based, USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified ready-to-drink company on the market.

“We recognize that consumers are increasingly conscious about what’s in their beverages, and we want to provide the healthiest, best-tasting green tea-based beverages,” said Jay Garnett, Steaz executive chairman. “The transition to a fully green tea-based beverage portfolio is as healthful and beneficial as it is symbolic. In our tenth year in business, it’s a fitting way to honor our consumers and provide them with an all-natural, all-green tea-based product line.”

Presently, there are only two non-green tea-based SKUs in the Steaz portfolio.