
Dads and Grocery Shopping

June 15, 2012
June 14/Chicago/Reuters -- According to a survey by brand marketing firm Cone Communications, 52% of dads say they are the primary supermarket shoppers in the household, and 35% of moms admitted fathers have more influence when it comes to grocery purchases.

“This research goes against all stereotypes of the ‘Father Knows Best’ dad who doesn’t concern himself with domestic responsibilities,” says Bill Fleishman, president of Cone Communications, about the online survey that polled 1,000 parents with children under 17.

The company’s research also found dad shoppers are not just winging their supermarket hunting. Dad’s polled said they:

  • Create a detailed shopping list – 63% (vs. 65% of moms)
  • Collect coupons or read circulars – 56% (vs. 62% of moms)
  • Plan meals for the week ahead of time – 52% (vs. 46% of moms)
  • Perform background research on grocery products – 24% (vs. 11% of moms)

 From the June 15, 2012, Prepared Foods Daily News




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