Fibers in Baking Bread
April 7/Valencia, Spain/Journal of Technology & Science -- According to recent research from Valencia, Spain, "The technological functionality of different fibers (high methylated ester pectin, resistant starch, insoluble-soluble fiber blend) was tested in partially baked breads stored either under sub-zero or low temperatures, in order to assess their possible role as breadmaking ingredients in bake off technologies (BOT). Fiber-containing formulations affected bread specific volume and crumb hardness, and those characteristics were also dependent on both the breadmaking process (conventional or BOT) and the storage conditions of the par-baked bread (low or sub-zero temperatures)."
"The inclusion of resistant starch (RS) and fiber blend in the bread formulation induced a reduction in the specific Volume of the bread and an increase of hardness. Crumb image analysis indicated that breadmaking process affected significantly the number of alveoli. The storage of par-baked breads at low temperatures accelerates crumb hardening during staling, and that effect was greatly dependent on the duration of the storage, being that effect magnified in the case of breads containing fiber blend. Therefore, formulations should be carefully checked with the specific breadmaking process to be followed," wrote C.M. Rosell and colleagues.
The researchers concluded, "Special attention should be paid to the storage conditions of the partially baked bread, since they significantly affect the technological quality of fresh breads and their behavior during staling."
Rosell and colleagues published their study in the Journal of Food Engineering ("Impact of Fibers on Physical Characteristics of Fresh and Staled Bake Off Bread." Journal of Food Engineering, 2010;98(2):273-281).
For additional information, contact C.M. Rosell, CSIC, IATA, Inst Agrochem & Food Technol, Cereal Grp, Food Science Department, POB 73, Valencia 46100, Spain.
From the April 12, 2010, Prepared Foods E-dition