
The Dry That Binds

January 1, 2004
A unique product binds seasonings and particulates to low-moisture baked goods, without messiness and waste. DRY-TACK[r] binder from National Starch is a fat-free alternative for applying and adhering seasonings. A fine, dry powder, DRY-TACK is applied as the product exits the oven, melts rapidly and directly on the food surface. There is no build-up of moist binder to clog and damage equipment, and the powder blends can be recycled and re-applied, minimizing waste. Strong adhesive properties provide enhanced retention and improved flavor. A new brochure detailing the benefits of DRY-TACK is now available. National Starch Information Center, 800-797-4992, nscinquiry @salessupport.com, www.nationalstarch.com